When driving your vehicle, it can be easy to forget that your tires need to be changed. It’s like the classic saying goes – out of sight, out of mind. However, it’s important that you keep tabs on your tires, and know the signs of when they need to be changed. After all, the last thing you want is to be driving around the countryside, then a tire blows from wear and tear. By knowing the signs of when it’s time to replace tires, you can avoid trouble before it hits!
The Penny Test
In 2016, people seem to think you can’t buy anything with a penny anymore, but that is untrue – with a penny you can buy peace of mind when it comes to tire safety! The penny test is a great way of checking your tire treading! You can gauge if it’s too low by simply looking at the penny in your hand,
The penny test is simple – anyone can do it! All you need to do is grab a penny, place it head first into several of your tire’s tread grooves at look at where the tread lies. It’s important that you look at Lincoln’s head – if the tire’s tread lies on Lincoln’s forehead, your tires are good! However, anywhere above his head is too low – it’s time for new tires!
Tire tread is incredibly important to pay attention to. It’s not just about your car – it’s about your safety. If your tire tread is worn out, then it’s incredibly important that you get your tires changed. With worn tire treading, your car can respond poorly during adverse weather conditions. If it raining or snowing, your car may have trouble gripping to the road.
Having treading on your tires mean more grip to the road – and less potential for accidents. In fact, it is so important to keep sufficient treading that many states consider it illegal to have bald tires. Not to mention low treading can make other parts of your car wear prematurely.
Tire Pressure
It’s important to consistently check your tire pressure, as under or over inflation can cause a slew of problems – namely your tire popping. Tires deflate at around one pound per square inch per month. This doesn’t mean that your new tires are going to be worn out after a month of driving – it just means that you should give them a check. Taking a minute of your time can save you from a blown tire!
Remember – next to brakes, tires are the most important aspect of ensuring your safety whilst driving. Incorrect tire pressure can affect how your car reacts to corners, braking, and stability. These are things you don’t want to mess with, so be sure to take car of your tires to ensure yours and others safety.
Tire pressure will also change with the temperature. With every 10-degree drop in temperature, your tire pressure will decrease by 1 pound per square inch. So if you checked your pressure in August and never bothered checking it in February – your tire pressure most likely had an immense drop. This can be dangerous – so don’t leave it!
Other Issues
When your car is vibrating or thumping it’s never a good sign. It’s an easy way of telling you that something needs fixing. One of these things could be your tires. For example, if the vibration feels like it from under the seats, your car could be telling you that your tires may be out of balance. In any case, if your car is vibrating, it’s time to bring it in to get checked!
Then, of course, there are things such as bulges, gouges, and cracks. If your tire is deflating, you’ll be able to see it bulging at the side. This can be a sign of a slow air leak. Inspect the sidewall – if there are cracks in it or anything that looks out of place, get it looked at. It’s probably time for new tires.
It’s incredibly important that you take good care of your tires as they’re a vital part of keeping you safe. Keeping up to date with your tires by checking its pressure, treading and inspecting it can save you and others from getting into an accident. Make sure you regularly check your tires – a minute of your time can save you from major problems! Remember, for all of your tire needs, GM Outlet Parts has you covered!
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